Stories on secrets hidden at the bottom of the sea are not something new, but this one is a little bit different and may be bigger than most of them. Alien hunters say they have discovered a perfect pyramid deep down the Pacific Ocean. Based on the image on Google Earth, experts estimated the structure to be 8.5 miles across, and some UFO enthusiasts suggested it could be an alien spacecraft parked underwater. Marcelo Igazusta, an Argentinian researcher, was the one who first discovered the mysterious underwater structure in June. Igazusta claims that he spotted a beam of light shining in the dark deep below the ocean off the west coast of Mexico using the coordinates 12 ° 8’1.49 ‘ N 119 ° 35’26.39’ W. Alien enthusiasts picked up the news and later shared it with their followers. They say that it is a perfect pyramid, measuring 8.5 miles on one side of its base. They explain that it is just a conservative estimate, and the discovery could be up to 11 miles across. They further state that only space aliens could make such huge structure. It may not be a UFO that landed in the ocean, but some alien followers believe it is still a monumental discovery that has a connection with extraterrestrials.
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